Views from my Brush : The Nutshell Winchester July 22 - 30 2022 -
Tune a Day Paintings Nos 81 - 100 -
Tune a Day Paintings Nos 21 - 40 -
Tune a Day Paintings Nos 41 - 60 -
Tune a Day Paintings Nos 61 to 80 -
Tune a Day Paintings Nos 1 - 20 -
Photos (16) from the Views from my Brush Exhibition Jul. 23 to 30 2022 -
Images in Private Collections not for sale -
Lainston Gallery including some paintings from the Images and Quotes Exhibition July 2019. -
Coral gallery -
Contrasts -
Tranquility -
Carnival -
Eastern Travels Gallery -
Fantasy Interiors -
Allegro Gallery -
Large Paintings -
Urbanscapes -
Secret Corners -
Blue Abstract Paintings -
Still Life -
Landscapes -
Water Landscapes -
Open Space Landscape